Tech Gen Solution LLC

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(855) 252-1169



for crafting

game changing



Some call it an act, others call it a process. We call it ‘art’, as we always create something unique for users. Every time. Android? iOS? Web app? We cover it all, we have the real pros – they will take care of the development and QA as well, so you won’t lose users.

Product Discovery

Refining ideas and deeply understanding real users problems – that’s the best way to create a digital product that solves users’ problems. Sounds simple, but this is a complex process. See more about the magic we do.

Product Design

From identifying the market opportunity to defining the problem and developing a proper solution – we cover it all. To achieve that, we always go the extra mile in each step


What if you need to expand the features or modify the functionality? Worry not, we’re here to help you with these. We will help you keep your product running, be secure, and stay ahead of the game with these:

Services tailored

to your


Managed teams

Looking for a team of experts who will deliver remarkable results. Our pros are here, ready to take care of the whole process of turning your idea into oustastanding product.

Staff Augumentation

Need someone who will fit perfectly in your own team? Worry not, our digital wizards will know what to do. Take the stress of your shoulders – our talented professionals will join your team.


Got a project?

Let’s talk!